Geriatric ward of GBP hospital closed down without citing any reason, 29 employees retrenched

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 26, 2024

The Geriatric Ward of GBP hospital has at long been closed down. This ward had been launched on October 14 2020 in the hands of the then chief minister Biplab Kumar Deb. The centre was known as regional geriatric centre meant for medicinal treatment of old and very old patients within the premise of the GBP hospital under the care of the Agartala Government Medical College (AGMC). No explanation has however been given for closing down the Geriatric Ward by the health department. But the decision has rendered 29 temporary employees of the ward jobless. Sources in the health department said that 29 employees of the ward have made a prayer to the chief minister Dr Manik Saha who also holds the health portfolio to protect their jobs as well as to reactivate the geriatric ward afresh.

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