“Tripurainfo Property Sale, Purchase and Rent Database”

Tripurainfo.com has launched "Tripurainfo Property Sale, Purchase and Rent Database" to serve the people of Tripura with the aim of matching the right buyer, seller or recipient with the sale of land, property and rent of shops or house. The "Tripurainfo Property Sale, Purchase and Rent Database" will serve as a reliable medium for any person or trader residing in Tripura or outside Tripura for the purpose of buying and selling any property i.e. house shop or new or old flat.

Without the interference of any middleman or broker, land mafia, you can buy, sell or rent the house, shop or new or old flat of your choice through Tripurainfo Property Sale, Purchase and Rent Database. If anyone wants to sell or rent their house, shop or flat, they can register their demand online at tripurainfo.com by visiting the Tripurainfo Property Sale, Purchase and Rent Database link. Or if you want to buy, sell or rent a house somewhere for your own needs, you can contact us by specifying the area of your choice or what kind of house, shop or flat you want.

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Lichubagan or Post Office Chowmuhuni Office, Agartala, Tripura, India
Phone: 0361-241-3946, 0381-241-0074, 9436122741
Email: [email protected]

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের কাছে মোহনপুর মহকুমাতে 14 ফুট রাস্তার পাশে 4 গন্ডা সমতল জায়গার উপর 2 গন্ডা তৈরি বিল...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের পাশে বড়দোয়ালি H.S স্কুলের পিছনে 14 ft. পিচ রাস্তার উপর 2.25 গন্ডা জায়গার উপর 6 টি সর...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের পাশে ক্যাপিটাল কমপ্লেক্সের কাছে ১৪ ফুট রাস্তার উপর 2.5 গন্ডা বসত বাড়ি করার উপযুক্ত ...

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Property: আগরতলাতে ইন্দ্র নগর আই টি আই রোডে কালীবাড়ির পাশে 20 ফুট রাস্তার সঙ্গে 2.5 গন্ডা সমতল বসত বাড়ির ...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের কাছে বনকুমারী বাজারের পাশে সাহা পাড়াতে ১.২৫ গন্ডা সমতল বসত বাড়ির জায়গা অল্প মূল্যে সত...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের অনাতিদূরে বিশালগড়ে NH-8 এর সঙ্গে 2 কানি 7 গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা একত্রে বা প্লটে সত্...

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Property: আগরতলার পাশে নন্দন নগর এলাকায় বড় রাস্তার সঙ্গে 3 গণ্ডা সমতল বসত বাড়ির জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : ...

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Property: ত্রিপুরাতে আগরতলা শহরের পাশে মেইন রোডের উপর গান্ধীগ্রামে ব্যবসা বা বাসস্থানের জন্য ২ কানি ১২ গন্ড...

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Property: উদয়পুরে মাতা বাড়ির কাছে কমার্শিয়াল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রয় : উদয়পুর - অমরপুর trijunction থেকে 100 ম...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের পাশে দালান বাড়ি সত্বর বিক্রয় : আগরতলা শহরের অনতিদূরে রানীর বাজার বৃদ্ধ নগরে আসাম আগরত...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের পাশে ১০ ফুট রাস্তার পাশে ৭ গন্ডা সমতল বাড়ির জায়গা বিক্রয় : যোগেন্দ্র নগর বনকুমারী স...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের কাছে বড় পিচ রাস্তার পাশে ৩.৫ কানি (51840 sq ft. ) সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : উক...

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Property: গাড়ি ঢোকার ব্যবস্থা সম্পন্ন বাড়ি বিক্রি করা হবে আগরতলা রামনগর ৮ এর শেষে ২ গন্ডা জায়গা সত্বর বিক্...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের প্রাণ কেন্দ্রে বসত বাড়ি করার ৫ গন্ডা জায়গা একত্রে বা প্লটে সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : আগরতল...

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Property: G+4 building, total 24 flat. 1 Bhk, 2 bhk, 3 bhk flats, at reasonable price Rs 3700 to Rs 3800 / sq ...

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Property: ত্রিপুরাতে আগরতলা শহরের অদূরে বিশালগরে ৬.৫ কানি পুরোনো জমিদার বাড়ি বা ফার্ম হাউস সত্বর বিক্রি হবে :...

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Property: Description আগরতলাতে ১৪ ফুট পিচ রাস্তার পাশে ১ কানি ১২.৫ গন্ডার উপর ফার্ম হাউস সত্বর বিক্রি হ...

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Property: আগরতলা গান্ধী গ্রামে সত্বর বসত বাড়ি বিক্রয় : গান্ধীগ্রাম MC টিলায় দুই দিকে ১৪ ফুট পিচ রাস্তা...

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Property: যোগেন্দ্র নগরে বসত বাড়ির উপযুক্ত ৬ গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : যোগেন্দ্র নগর রেল স্ট...

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Property: আগরতলাতে 2 গন্ডা জায়গার উপর তৈরি বিল্ডিং বাড়ি সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : আগরতলা রামনগর ৮ এর শেষে গাঙ্গাইল...

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Property: -: দোকান ভিটি বিক্রয় :- আসাম আগরতলা রোডস্থিত মঠ চৌমুহনি বাজার সংলগ্ন দ্বিতল দালান কোঠা বিশিষ...

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Property: নন্দন নগরে ডন বস্কো স্কুলের কাছে বাড়ি করার উপযোগী দশ গন্ডা সমতল ST জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : ন...

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Property: আগরতলাতে চন্দ্রপুর মোটর স্ট্যান্ডের (ISBT) পূর্ব সীমানায় অবস্থিত রয়েল ত্রিপুরা রেসিডেন্সি সোসাইটিতে...

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Property: আগরতলাতে বড় রাস্তার পাশে বাড়ি করার উপযোগী ২ গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে: হাফানিয়া উচচ মাধ্যমি...

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Property: : আগরতলাতে অরুন্ধুতি নগর ১৫ এ ৫ গন্ডা রোডসাইড জায়গা ৩ গণ্ডার ছাদ দেওয়া তৈরি বিল্ডিং সহ সত্বর ব...

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Property: ইন্দ্র নগরে বাড়ি করার উপযোগী ২ গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা বিক্রি হবে : বাংলার মাঠে উত্তম পরিবেশে বড় রাস্তার পা...

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Property: জিরানিয়া ব্লক চৌমুহনীতে উত্তম পরিবেশে বাড়ি করার উপযোগী ৪.২৫ গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : ...

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Property: পাকা রাস্তার পাশে বাড়ি করার উপযোগী ৫ (পাঁচ ) গন্ডা সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : উক্ত জায়গা খোয়...

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Property: যোগেন্দ্র নগর বনকুমারী বাজারে ২ টি দোকান ভিটি ও পিছনে বসত বাড়ি করার উপযোগী সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক...

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Property: যুগেন্দ্রনগর রেল স্টেশনের নিকট বড় রাস্তার পাশে ৫ গন্ডা বাড়ি করার উপযোগী সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্র...

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Property: আগরতলা রেল স্টেশনের নিকট ৩.৫ গন্ডা বাড়ি করার উপযোগী সমতল জায়গা সত্বর বিক্রি হবে : উক্ত জায়গায়...

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Property: : 12 foot Road Side Plane land of more than 2 Ganda (1812 Sq. Foot ) will be sold to ST people...

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Property: নবদ্বীপ ধাম মায়াপুর ইসকণ মন্দিরের কাছে মনোরম পরিবেশে বড় 25 ফুট পিচ রাস্তার পাশে তিন তলা বাড়ি সত্বর ...

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Property: আগরতলা রেল স্টেশনের নিকট ৭ফুট প্রশস্ত রাস্তার পাশে ৩ গন্ডা জমির উপর ৬ রুমের ৩ তলা ফাউন্ডেশনের এক তল...

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Property: : আগরতলা শহরের অনতিদূরে শিল্প কারখানা , স্কুল , কলেজ , ইউনিভার্সিটি গোডাউন,টাউনশিপ করার উপযোগী ...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের প্রাণকেন্দ্রে জায়গা বিক্রি / লিজ : কৃষ্ণনগর ঠাকুরপল্লী রোডে সৎসঙ্গ আশ্রমের উল্টো দিকে...

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Property: : আগরতলাতে airport রোডে চিনাইহানি কাঁঠালতলীতে Oscar Ford showroom এর কাছে , ইন্ডিয়ান অয়েল BOC এ...

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Property: Prime Land for sale. 1.4 kani/1kani 8 ganda+ [24192 Sqft]. Ideal for: Hotel, Guest House, Warehouse...

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Property: ২ গণ্ডা বিল্ডিং এরিয়ার উপর তৈরি সর্ব সুবিধা যুক্ত অতি আধুনিক দ্বিতল ৬ রুম এর ফ্লাট ১৮ ফুট রাস্তার পা...

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Property: Highly protected with boundary wall readymade ultra modern decorated flat with 6 rooms in 2 ganda bu...

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Property: উদয়পুরে মধ্যপাড়াতে ৩.৭৫ গন্ডার উপর তৈরি বিল্ডিং বাড়ি সত্তর বিক্রি হবে : উক্ত বাড়িতে টিনের ছাউনি দেওয়...

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Property: 1 BHK , 2 BHK , 3 BHK FLAT সত্তর বিক্রি হবে : ধলেশ্বর ৫ নাম্বার রাস্তায় প্রাচ্য ভারতী H.S স...

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Property: Residential house of 10 Gandas with 3 room building will be sold as a whole or in Plot : locatio...

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Property: দশ গণ্ডার বসত বাড়ি বিলডিং সহ বা প্লট এ সত্তর বিক্রি হবে : উষা বাজার ভারত রত্ন সংঘ থেকে ১ কিমি দ...

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Property: বসত বাড়ি করার উপযোগী জাগা বিক্রি : উত্তর রামনগর Narsingarh ONGC ড্রিলিং পয়েন্ট এর সন্নিকটে ৫ গণ...

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Property: তৈরি বাড়ি সত্তর বিক্রয় : মধ্য ভুবন বন্ রামকৃষ্ম আশ্রম এর নিকট , মোট জায়গার পরিমান ১.৫ গণ্ডা. উক্ত ...

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Property: বসত বাড়ি করার উপযোগী এক কানি জায়গা সত্তর বিক্রি : আগরতলা বাই পাস রাস্তার পাশে তুলাকোনা পঞ্চায়েত অফ...

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Property: 1215 Sq feet 3BHK, 2 Varanda, Ground Floor with laundry room. will be sold at Rs. 42 lakhs, No Broke...

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Property: Kolkata Dum Dum theke 15minit distance New barrackpore station er kache 3bhk 1450 sqft flat urgent...

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Property: 2 Ganda ...

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Property: 13.50 Ganda ...

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Property: Jute land ...

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Property: 1.45 Ganda ...

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Property: 12 Ganda ...

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Property: Constructed House in 2.50 Ganda ...

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Property: 2.15 Ganda ...

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Property: 10 Ganda ...

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Property: 2 Ganda ...

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Property: 2.50 Ganda Housing Plot ...

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Property: 2.50 Ganda with Building ...

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Property: Housing Plot ...

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Property: 2 Ganda with Building ...

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Property: 7 Ganda Plot with Constructed House ...

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Property: Constructed House ...

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Property: 2 Ganda Amtali ...

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Property: Housing Plot ...

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Property: 3 Ganda ...

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Property: 2.50 Ganda Housing Plot ...

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Property: 4 Ganda ...

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Property: Constructed House ...

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Property: 14 Ganda ...

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Property: 3 Ganda ...

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Property: 4 Ganda Land ...

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Property: 2.15 Ganda ...

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Property: Housing Plot ...

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Property: Constructed Building ...

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Property: Constructed House ...

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Property: 2 Ganda with house ...

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Property: 2 Ganda land ...

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Property: 2 Ganda land ...

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Property: 2-3 Ganda Housing Plot ...

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Property: 2.50 Ganda with Building ...

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Property: Not Mentioned ...

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Property: Not mentioned...

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Property: 2 Ganda ...

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Property: Two Story Building ...

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Property: 1 BHk, 2 BHK and 3 BHK Flat booking start ...

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Property: 10 Ganda ...

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Property: 2 Ganda Land ...

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Property: 2 Ganda with house ...

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Property: .25 Ganda Land ...

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Property: 1 Kani ...

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Property: 2 BHK and 3 BHK Flat booking start ...

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Property: Constructed House ...

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Property: 10 Ganda ...

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Property: Constructed House including other facilities ...

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Property: 12 Ganda, Housing plot ...

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Property: 1.50 Ganda (constructed house)...

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Property: 2.25 Ganda...

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Property: .25 Ganda...

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Property: 4 Ganda...

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Property: 2 gonda residential space for sale urjently 5ft road near jagatpur Kalibari...

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Property: 2 ganda in udaipur bagma opposite of cpim party office near bagma bazee...

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Property: 2/3 BHK flats...

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Property: 400 rubber tree & 7kani jaga. near B.C.Manu,patichari. tribel land.patta jaga .dine 32 rubber sheet ...

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Property: 1.5 Ganda Land Constructed Building...

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Property: Araliya agartala tripura west...

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Property: 1 Ganda coplete bulding...

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Property: 2 Ganda, Ready-Made House, with 4 ft road...

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Property: 2 Ganda with 5 feet road, Madhya Kashipurstita Echamoya...

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Property: 5 Kani Land all together or by Plot...

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Property: 2 Ganda Land,...

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Property: 2 Ganda Land, 6 ft Road...

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Property: 5 Ganda Land, 8 feet Road, 4 min distance from main road, Water, Gas, Electric Connection all facili...

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Property: Ready-Made Building G+1 along with 6 feet Road...

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Property: 4.5 Ganda Land for Sale...

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Property: 2.5 Ganda Ready-Made House...

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Property: 4.5 Ganda Land for Sale...

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Property: 2.5 Ganda Land for Sale...

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Property: Flat For Sale 2BHK and 3BHK...

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Property: Land Sale / 2 Ganda square land / 12 feet Road...

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Property: 3 and Half Ganda Land...

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Property: 2 gonda / 1728 sqft House Entrance : 10 ft road car parking facility available South facing hou...

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Property: 4 Ganda Land with the facility of 4 wheeler entrance space...

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Property: 2 Ganda Land with boundary wall...

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Property: 2 Ganda Land...

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Property: বড় রাস্তার পাশে ১ থেকে ১.৫ গণ্ডা কমার্শিয়াল জায়গা বা তৈরি প্রতিষ্ঠান সত্বর কিনতে ইচ্ছুক : আগরতলা শহর...

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Property: বড় রাস্তার পাশে বাড়ি করার জন্য ২.৫ থেকে ৩ গন্ডা জায়গা কিনতে চাই : কৃষ্ণ নগর , অভয় নগর , বনমালিপুর , ...

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Property: I need a house for purchase. I need readymade house within 12 to 15 lakhs....

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Property: ancestral property...

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Property: Cheap Agricultural land of large size....

click here for details...

Property: Vacant land...

click here for details...

Property: Vacant land...

click here for details...

Property: Flat...

click here for details...

Property: I need to purchase Land on Madhupur, Ballavpur , Amtali, Vastu-Jami or Lal-Jami anything of low cost...

click here for details...

Property: Flat...

click here for details...

Property: 1.5 to 2 ganda plot need within 10 to 15 lakh.And enter of the car moving facility....

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Property: Square plot, 2 gonda Budget total - 10lakh...

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Property: Old Building, Half Wall and Full Wall ...

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Property: I want to buy paddy field with minimum rate...

click here for details...

Property: Ready made house or vacant land purches...

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Property: 2-5 Ganda, Land or Constructed house ...

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Property: Purchase of land for construction of home.....

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Property: 1 or 2 blocks away from road...

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Property: nal...

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Property: 2 Ganda Vacant Land, Beside Main Road...

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Property: 3-3.5 Ganda Vaccant Land or Ready-Made Building...

click here for details...

Property: 1 & Half / 2 Ganda vacant land...

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Property: 2 & Half Ganda vacant land for built house...

click here for details...

Property: 2 / 3 Ganda vacant plots of land or a house...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Ganda Vacant Land...

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Property: 2/3 Ganda Land...

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Property: আগরতলায় রামনগর ২ নং রাস্তার প্রথম দিকে SBI এর উল্টো দিকে GEETASADYA এপার্টমেন্টে প্রথম তলে সর্ব সু...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরে নাগেরজলাতে Imperial HeightsTower এর 6th ফ্লোরে অত্যাধুনিক সর্ব সুবিধা যুক্ত একটি 3 BH...

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Property: আগরতলায় আখাউড়া রোডের উপর RMS চৌমুহনীতে দ্বিতীয় ও তৃতীয় তলসহ সর্ব সুবিধা যুক্ত 1800 sq.ft.কমার্শিয়া...

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Property: আগরতলাতে জগন্নাথ বাড়ি রোডে দৈনিক সংবাদ অফিসের উল্টো দিকে প্রথম তলায় একটি নুতন 2 BHK Flat ভাড়া ...

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Property: মেইন রোডের সঙ্গে ৩ তালা কমার্শিয়াল বিল্ডিং(1600 Sq. Ft. /ব্যাঙ্ক / অফিসের জন্য ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে: ...

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Property: আগরতলা শহরের পাশে গান্ধীগ্রাম বাজারের ও হসপিটালের কাছে মেইন রোডের উপরে দ্বিতলে 5000 Sq. ft. কমার...

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click here for details...

Property: সিঙ্গেল লেডি,ছাএী ,কর্মরতা মহিলার জন্যে একটি টিনের চালের ঘর স্বল্পমূল্যে দেওয়া হবে। রান্না করার জায়গ...

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Property: আগরতলা বনমালিপুর দীঘির পারে ঘর ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : আগরতলাতে বানামালিপুর দীঘির পারে উত্তম পরিবেশে ১৬০০...

click here for details...


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Property: আখাউরা মেইন রোডের সঙ্গে , আগন্তুক ক্লাবের পূর্ব দিকে সর্ব সুবিধা যুক্ত 2 BHK Flat ভাড়া দেওয়া ...

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Property: বেলতলীতে ৮০০ sq.ft. এর উপর গ্রাউন্ড ফ্লোরে সুলভ মূল্যে ফ্ল্যাট ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : ফ্ল্যাট এর অবস্থান...

click here for details...

Property: আগরতলায় কৃষ্ণনগর শঙ্কর চৌমুহনীতে বড় রাস্তার উপর কমার্শিয়াল প্রপার্টি সত্বর ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে: উক্ত প্র...

click here for details...

Property: : To let road side commercial Space in busy commercial area: Ground floor and first floor of a...

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Property: Two/three rooms alongwith atteched kichen bathroom and 24hrs plant water electricity near flyover n...

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Property: উত্তম পরিবেশে 2-BHK , BHK ফ্ল্যাট ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : আগরতলাতে বড়জলা কল্যাণপুর পাড়াতে 2 BHK , 3 BHK ...

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Property: : আগরতলা শহরের প্রাণ কেন্দ্র তথা বনেদি এলাকা জয় নগরে ফ্ল্যাট ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : উক্ত ফ্ল্যাটে ১...

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Property: : ছোট পরিবারের জন্য ঘর ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : মিলন চক্র আদর্শ পল্লীতে ৩ বেডরুম ও পাইপ লাইন যুক্ত এ...

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Property: রেসিডেন্সিয়াল ফ্ল্যাট ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : দূর্গা চৌমুহনী ব্রীজ সন্নিকটে রামনগর পুলিশ ফাঁড়ির উল...

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Property: কমার্শিয়াল প্রপার্টি ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : আগরতলা শহরের ব্যবসায়িক প্রাণকেন্দ্র তথা মঠ চৌমুহনীতে আসাম ...

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Property: আখাউড়া রোডে ওয়েস্টার্ন ক্লাবের আগে 2 BHK flat ভাড়া দেওয়া হবে : 2 টি বড় রুম সঙ্গে ল্যাট্রিন (com...

click here for details...

Property: বেলতলী ত্রিবেণী সংঘ ক্লাবের কাছে 7 ফুট ঢালাই রাস্তার উপর গ্রাউন্ড ফ্লোরে 2 BHK , 4 room , 900 Sq. Fo...

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Property: : উত্তর গেট আকাশবাণীর গলিতে পরিবারের জন্য ঘর ভাড়া : উক্ত ফ্ল্যাটটি গ্রাউন্ড ফ্লোরে 1100 sq. ft....

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Property: There is a Large premise with ready made indoors located at the main AA Road at Kumarghat , Una...

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Property: I want to put my ground floor residential 2 BHK ( two bed room ) apartment on monthly rent at ju...

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Property: Furnished property of 3100 sq foot with tiled flooring in the 2nd floor of a 4story building with...

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Property: Rent for Office/Bank/Ware House/Showroom etc. 2000 sqft available for rent in 1st floor with parkin...

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Property: To let well furnished five room flat in the ground floor opposite dim sagar park palace compound i...

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Property: গ্র্যান্ডউইস ক্লাব এর বিপরীতে স্বস্তি ভিলাতে FIRST FLOOR এ একটি well furnished 463 sq ft. FLAT ...

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click here for details...

Property: 2BHK flat on first floor consist of 2Bed room, 2 bathroom,1 drawing cum dining room, 1 kitchen, floo...

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click here for details...

Property: two room, attached batroom, Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor with all facilities ...

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Property: Flat with three rooms, Ground floor with bathroom, Kitchen, Gas Line ...

click here for details...

Property: Second Floor, two room, attached batroom, Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Single room for singleman, attached Kitchen and water facility bike keeping room ...

click here for details...

Property: Attached single and double room, half wall for family and student ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK Flat with 24 hours water facility ...

click here for details...

Property: Second floor for family ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor for Shop ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat with three rooms, 1st Floor with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: House for Small Family or ladies. Single room also available ...

click here for details...

Property: Two bedroom, attached bathroom, Kitchen, and Line gas available ...

click here for details...

Property: Two bedroom, attached bathroom, Kitchen, and Line gas available ...

click here for details...

Property: Four room, dinning room, kitchen room,, two bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room for small family ...

click here for details...

Property: Three room, attached Bathroom, Kitchen and 24 hours water facility ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat with Two Bedroom and Single Bedroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Small room for family ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: House Full wall ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, attached Kichen ,bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: For Bank, Showroom, Diagnostic Centre, Nursing Home ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Bedroom, attached Kitchen, Toilet, bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Rooms, attached Kichen ,bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, attached Kichen ,bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, attached Kichen ,bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat for small Family ...

click here for details...

Property: House, attached letrine, bathroom, water facility ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room, for small family or students ...

click here for details...

Property: Two Room, attached Kitchen, Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, One Kitchen room, Attached letrine bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: 1800 Sq ft, Ground floor. Prefereable-Godown, Showroom, departmental store,, clinic ...

click here for details...

Property: Four Rooms, All facilities available ...

click here for details...

Property: Three room flat, attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Three room flat, attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat, Three rooms with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: Four rooms attached Bathroom kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, Ground Floor, attached Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room, attached Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Single Room, attached kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Four Rooms Flat, Second Floor ...

click here for details...

Property: Two Bedroom, Attached Kithchen, bathroom, letrine, ...

click here for details...

Property: Two Bedroom, Second Floor Attched Kithchen, bathroom, letrine, Line Gas ...

click here for details...

Property: Two Bedroom, Attched Kithchen, bathroom, letrine, Second Floor ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Big Rooms with Essential Facilities in First Floor for Small Family ...

click here for details...

Property: Two room, attached Bathroom, kitchen, letrine ...

click here for details...

Property: Building (preference Family or Women) ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Rooms, Attached Bathroom and Kitchen, gas line ...

click here for details...

Property: Ground Floor, Marbel Floring Flat for Family ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms with Batroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms with Kitchen and Toilet ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Room ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Rooms, Attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK Flat, Three Room excluding Kitchen Toilet ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms at first floor with modern kitchen, bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Three rooms at 2nd floor, attached Kitchen and washroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms at second floor with attached letrine Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Ground Floor, One bedroom attached letrine, bathroom and kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, attached letrine, bathroom and kitchen, gas connection ...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK Flat for family...

click here for details...

Property: Flat for Family ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Building, for student or Family ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK Flat, Ground Floor ...

click here for details...

Property: For 2 Persons, Top Floor single room attached Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Double Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom attached ...

click here for details...

Property: House ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Room with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: Single room ...

click here for details...

Property: Single room ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat First floor, 2 bedrooms, 2 toilet, all rooms with tiles ...

click here for details...

Property: Single room flat ...

click here for details...

Property: Ground Floor, One bedroom attached letrine, bathroom and kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK House ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms, attached letrine, bathroom and kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Room with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Room with all facilities ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, bathroom, Line gas ...

click here for details...

Property: Building ...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK flat ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, bathroom, Line gas ...

click here for details...

Property: 4 rooms, attached toilet, bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms at second floor ...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK Flat, 1st Floor, front facing, Car parking available ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat, preferrence Family ...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK Flat with attached Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: 4 rooms Flat, toilet, bathroom, Line gas ...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK Flat ...

click here for details...

Property: 4 rooms, two kitchen, two toilet, bathroom, Line gas ...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms with attached Bathroom ...

click here for details...

Property: 1600 Sq ft, for Bank, Office, Coaching Centre, Ground Floor and 1st Floor ...

click here for details...

Property: Three Room Flat, ttached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Flat at Second floor, Double room, Attached Bathroom and Kitchen ...

click here for details...

Property: Agartala...

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Property: One bedroom with attached bathroom along with gas line ...

click here for details...

Property: Two Room, Attached Bathroom (for Family)...

click here for details...

Property: 2 bed rooms with 1 dining romm, 1 drawing room, kitchen & double toilet...

click here for details...

Property: 2 big rooms at 1st floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms flat with attached kitchen & bathroom for small family / students...

click here for details...

Property: Single Room with the facility of everything attached for single students / girl-woman will give pref...

click here for details...

Property: Single Room, 2nd Floor with attached Bathroom & Toilet for single / bachelor...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Room with attached Kitchen, Bathroom & 24 hours water for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2/4 Room with attached Kitchen & Bathroom for family...

click here for details...

Property: Room for Students / Bachelors...

click here for details...

Property: Single Room attached everything for Student / Family...

click here for details...


click here for details...

Property: House with kitchen attached for students or bachelors...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms with attached kitchen and bathroom for small family...

click here for details...

Property: Flat with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd floor, 3 BHK with all facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: Two rooms with attached kitchen and toilet, 24 Hrs water facility for small family...

click here for details...

Property: Rooms with attached bathroom and kitchen for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms with all facility on the 1st floor for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms with all facility on the ground floor for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat with all facility and 24 Hrs water facility for govt. employee/Business/Non-Bengali fami...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK with all facility for family (No Garage)...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor 2 rooms with attached everything for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms with attached everything and pipeline gas for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms with all facility and attached everything...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms attached bathroom and kitchen and gas pipeline for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms attached kitchen and bathroom for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Bedrooms, attached bathroom, and kitchen for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK flat with all facility for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Bedrooms attached with all facilities for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor, 2 BHK with all facility only for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd floor, 2 rooms with attached kitchen and bathroom for family...

click here for details...

Property: Room for rem with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 bedrooms attached kitchen and with all other facilities for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK for family or student with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms attached bathroom and kitchen for small family...

click here for details...

Property: House for rent with all facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: Room for rent with all facility, separate electricity and 24 Hrs water facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen and bathroom with pipeline gas for family.(Government Employee/Student)...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms with all facility and with separate electricity and pipeline gas only for govt. employee...

click here for details...

Property: Single room, 3rd floor with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: 4 rooms with 2 bathrooms and kitchen with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK with Modular Kitchen and pipeline gas for family...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor, 2 rooms attached kitchen, bathroom and pipeline gas for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd floor, 2 rooms and attached kitchen, bathroom with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor with all facility and attached everything for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat attached kitchen and bathroom for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor attached everything and with all facility for small family....

click here for details...

Property: 2 bedroom attached bathroom, kitchen and dining, ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, kitchen, and double bathroom for family....

click here for details...

Property: 2bhk flat or house...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen, bathroom and with all facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat for rent with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms attached everything and 24 Hrs water facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 bedrooms attached kitchen, bathroom, on the ground floor, and 24 Hrs water facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat to be rent with the car parking for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK separate garage and with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached bathroom, kitchen for the family, student or bachelor...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen, bathroom, and pipeline gas available for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms on the ground floor for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen attached for family or bachelor....

click here for details...

Property: Single bedroom and kitchen for a small family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms attached kitchen bathroom for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: With all facility room for rent for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen and bathroom and with pipeline gas...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached bathroom and kitchen and pipeline gas facility for a small family....

click here for details...

Property: 3rd-floor big single room attached bathroom and kitchen for a small family or college students...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Bhk with all facilities and car parking also available for a small family. Only for Govt./PSU/Bank...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK Flat with all facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen and bathroom and pipeline gas for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms with all facility and 24 Hrs water for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: House with all facility 24 Hrs water attached everything for a family...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor, 3 rooms with all facility and parking facility also available...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK attached bathroom and kitchen, 2nd floor for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: Rooms with attached bathroom and with all facility for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: New flat for a family with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor, 2 rooms attached bathroom and kitchen for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK with all facilities for a small family...

click here for details...

Property: 4th floor (1200 sq ft), with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: OM APARTMENT, 2nd floor, 2BHK, with all facility, 24Hrs water and electric facility available, Car p...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat with all facility and pipe line gas also available for small family....

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK, for family with all facility...

click here for details...

Property: New flat at ground floor with all facility for family. Bike parking also available....

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK, attached kitchen, bathroom, pipe line gas, and bike parking facility available for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK, attached kitchen, bathroom and gas pipe line available for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms attached everything for family....

click here for details...

Property: House for rent for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single room attached kitchen and bathroom for small family...

click here for details...

Property: Single room for employee or student...

click here for details...

Property: 3rd floor, 4 rooms, attached everything, 24 hrs water facility for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd floor , 1 BHK with all facility, attached kitchen bathroom for family for student...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms attached kitchen and bathroom for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, kitchen and dining room for family...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor, 2 rooms, attached everything for small family...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor for family with all facilities...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, 2nd floor, attached everything, for small family along with bike parking facility...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached everything for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat with all accommodation for Non-Bengali/Employee/Businessman family...

click here for details...

Property: Single flat with 2 big rooms with kitchen and bathroom attached...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, with all facility for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached toilet, for small family or student....

click here for details...

Property: 2nd floor, Attached everything with all facility for small family....

click here for details...

Property: New Constructed Building, 3 BHK, 2nd floor, 4 rooms, attached everything for family....

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3rd floor, 2 rooms, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK 1st floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, for small family....

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms, Attached Bathroom, 24 Hrs Water Facility. Only for family...

click here for details...

Property: Partition Room, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen for small family or student...

click here for details...

Property: Double Rooms, Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, 2nd Floor...

click here for details...

Property: New Flat at Ground Floor, All facility available and along with Bike Parking, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 BHK, 1st floor, all facility with Pipeline Gas and 24 Hrs Water facility available, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 1 Big room, Attached everything, for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK, 2 Bathrooms, Corridor, Bike Parking, Prayer Hall, avilable, ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached everything ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3BHK with Garage, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Drawingroom, Varanda, 1st Floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached everything for family....

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached everything with all facility for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms, with all facility, ground floor, pipe line gas facility also available for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, Ground floor, with all facility for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms, Attached Everything for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms, ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, for small family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, Attached everything, for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK 2nd floor for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms, Attached everything for student or family, 24Hrs water facility...

click here for details...

Property: 1BHK & 2BHK flat for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK flat with all facilities for family...

click here for details...

Property: 4 Rooms, Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached bathroom, kitchen, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 BHK, Attached everything, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 rooms, attached everything, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms, attached everything...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 rooms, attached everything...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached kitchen, dining and bathroom, for family (New Building)...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms, Double Bathrooms, Attached Kitchen Dining Space, Ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached everything, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 3BHK for family, Attached everything...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor for family...

click here for details...

Property: Single room for student...

click here for details...

Property: 4 rooms, attached double toilet, bathroom, gas pipeline, 24 hrs water facility...

click here for details...

Property: with all facilities room and attached everything, for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: Ground floor, Drawing room, Kitchen room, Dining room, Attached Double Bathroom, Toilet...

click here for details...

Property: 1st floor, 2BHK with Garage, Lift, Gas Line, Security. Preferable Bank/ONGC/Govt. Employee...

click here for details...

Property: 3BHK, 1st Floor, No Parking facility, for small family of Central/State Govt. Employee/Bank Officer...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Bedrooms, with attached Kitchen, Bathroom, Toilet, for small family...

click here for details...

Property: 1BHK and 2BHK, with all facilities, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd Floor, 2 Rooms, with all facilities, for small family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 4 Rooms, Attached Toilet, Bathroom, Kitchen, for family or student...

click here for details...

Property: 2nd Floor, with all facilities, for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, 24 Hrs Water Facility, For Small Family or Student...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen, 24 Hrs Water Facility, For Family...

click here for details...

Property: Ground Floor, 2 Rooms, Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, for family...

click here for details...

Property: New Flat for family...

click here for details...

Property: 2 Rooms, Attached Bathroom, Kitchen, for small family, student or bachelor...

click here for details...

Property: 3 Rooms Attached Kitchen, Bathroom, Toilet, For Family...

click here for details...

Property: 2BHK Flat for Rent, with all facilities like 24 Hrs water facility, Car Parking, For Family...

click here for details...

Property: Room Rent for Small Family or Student, with all facilities like Attached Bathroom, Kitchen...

click here for details...

Property: Flat For Rent, 1st Floor, with all facilities for family...

click here for details...

Property: Chittaranjan...

click here for details...

Property: 4 BHK Flat on Rent, 4th Floor with Lift, Electricity, Pipe Gas & Water, Garage facility ...

click here for details...

Payment Details

A/C Holder: Tripurainfo.com
Branch: Banamalipur (North), Agartala
A/C No.: 2348201000444 (Current Account)
IFSC Code: CNRB0002348

“ত্রিপুরাইনফো প্রোপার্টি সেল, পার্‌চেজ ও রেন্ট ডাটাবেস”

জমি, সম্পত্তি বিক্রী ও ভাড়া প্রদান নিয়ে সঠিক ক্রেতা কিংবা গ্রহিতাকে মিলিয়ে দেওয়ার লক্ষ্যে ত্রিপুরাইনফো ডটকম এবার ত্রিপুরাবাসীর সেবায় চালু করলো “ত্রিপুরাইনফো প্রোপার্টি সেল ও রেন্ট ডাটাবেস”। যেকোন প্রোপার্টি অর্থ্যাৎ বাড়ীঘর দোকানপাট কিংবা নতুন বা পুরানো ফ্লেটবাড়ী ক্রয় বিক্রয়ের লক্ষ্যে “ত্রিপুরাইনফো প্রোপার্টি সেল ও রেন্ট ডাটাবেস” ত্রিপুরা কিংবা ত্রিপুরার বাইরে বসবাসকারী যেকোন ব্যক্তি কিংবা ব্যবসায়ীর জন্য একটি নির্ভরযোগ্য মাধ্যম হিসাবে কাজ করবে। কোন মধ্যসত্ব-ভোগী বা দালাল, জমি মাফিয়ার অবৈধ হস্তক্ষেপ ব্যতিত “ত্রিপুরাইনফো প্রোপার্টি সেল ও রেন্ট ডাটাবেস থেকে আপনি আপনার পছন্দের বাড়ীঘর, দোকানপাট কিংবা নতুন বা পুরানো ফ্লেটবাড়ী ক্রয় বিক্রয় কিংবা ভাড়া পেয়ে যাবেন।

যদি কেউ তার বাড়ীঘর, দোকানপাট কিংবা ফ্ল্যাটবাড়ী বিক্রি করতে বা ভাড়া দিতে চান তারা “ত্রিপুরাইনফো প্রোপার্টি সেল ও রেন্ট ডাটাবেস-এ” সল্পমূল্যে তাদের চাহিদার বিষয়টি অনলাইনে ত্রিপুরাইনফো ডটকম ওয়েব সাইটে গিয়ে নিবন্ধণ করতে পারেন। বা কেউ যদি তার নিজস্ব প্রয়োজনে কোথাও কোন বাড়ীঘর ক্রয়, বিক্রয় কিংবা ভাড়া দিতে বা নিতে চান, পছন্দের এলাকা বা কি ধরনের বাড়ীঘর, দোকানপাট কিংবা ফ্ল্যাটবাড়ী কত টাকার মধ্যে চাইছেন এসব বিস্তৃত উল্লেখ করে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন।

যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা-

ত্রিপুরাইনফো ডটকম

লিচুবাগান কিংবা পোষ্ট অফিস চৌমুহনির অফিস,
আগরতলা, ত্রিপুরা, ভারত
ফোনঃ ০৩৮১-২৪১-৩৯৪৬, ০৩৮১-২৪১-০০৭৪, ৯৪৩৬১২২৭৪১
ইমেলঃ [email protected]


City Office

HGB Road, Post Office Choumohoni, Beside Tripura Women's Police Station, Agartala, West Tripura, INDIA.
Ph: (0381) 238-0566, 9436122741 e-mail: [email protected].

Corporate Office

VIP Road, Lichu Bagan, Agartala, West Tripura, INDIA.
Ph: (0381) 241-3946, 9436122741 e-mail: [email protected].


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