Five-month-pregnant housewife commit suicide at Uttar Padmabil, police detained husband

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 26, 2024

A five-month pregnant housewife Mandira Deb committed suicide by hanging from the ceiling of the house at Ward no 1 of Uttar Padmabil Gao Panchayat in Dharmanagar. Police arrested the husband of the housewife Dipan Deb following allegations from the housewife’s parents that he used to torture their daughter and instigated to commit suicide.

Dipan married Mandira, a resident of Krishnatilla Ramguna Para of Machmara in Unokoti District socially one year ago, and they reside together. On Thursday morning Dipan and his parents went to their place of work and Mandira was alone in the house like any other day. Her mother-in-law returned home after completing her work in an Anganwadi Centre and found that the door was closed from the inside. She entered the house broke the door and found that Mandira was hanging.

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