TSR jawan’s mysterious death: dead body recovered from roof of own house

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 25, 2024

In a bizarre incident the dead body of a TSR jawan (7th battalion) was recovered from the roof of his own house in Master Para area under Shantir Bazar subdivisional town last night. Police sources said that Amal Debnath (40), a jawan of TSR 7th battalion and originally a resident of Sonai area under Sabroom subdivision, had been posted in Shantir Bazar subdivisional town. He had purchased a plot of land and built a house in Master Para area of Shantir Bazar town.

Amal Debnath has gone to the roof of his house with a friend identified as Saurav Debnath last night and then he was not seen . In the early hours of today Amal Debnath’s family members looked for him and found him lying dead on the roof of the house. His family members immediately called in police and the body of Amal Debnath was taken to Shantir Bazar hospital where he was pronounced by doctors as ‘brought dead’. The body of Amal Denbnath was handed over to his family this morning for cremation after post mortem. Sources said that Amal Debnath might have died from electrocution on the roof of his house but his family members suspect foul play by his friend and companion Saurav Debnath . Since Amal’s family members have filed a case the police is preparing to interrogate Saurav Debnath who had left Amal on the roof of the house last night.

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