Four students of Umakanta Academy injured in daylight attack by outsiders during school hour

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 25, 2024

In a worrisome incident yesterday a group of students of Umakanta Academy (Bengali medium) school backed by outsiders invaded the school and engaged in scuffle with other students of class IX and X and finally stabbed four students . The incident triggered a fear and panic among guardians and other students and teachers and finally police had to intervene with a group of CRPF jawans.

Sources from the Umakanta Academy Bengali medium school said that the students of the school had been asked to arrive at the school before 10-30 AM in connection with an official programme announced by the department of education. Even though school activities progressed smoothly, around 2-00 PM there was trouble outside the school near the gate as the Scooty of a student had been wrongly rubbed by some other students and outsiders. This had led to a heated and abusive exchanges and around 2-00 PM a number of school students backed by outsiders stormed the school wielding rods and knives and started attacking students of class IX and X within the school. The teachers got unnerved and failed to stop the attacks . In the attack four students of the school Rajdeep Das of class IX and Shubhrajit Paul , Amitosh Das and Shyamjit Das of class X sustained minor stab injuries besides being beaten by rod.

The teachers of the school started shouting and a number of guardians waiting outside the school also entered the building to quell the trouble. Even as the pandemonium was on one of the teachers informed the West Agartala police station and a large contingent of police and CRPF personnel reached the school. They tackled the situation effectively and spoke to the students, teachers and guardians but by then the attackers had fled the school. Sources said that the attacks and counter-attacks of two groups of students had spilled over onto the ground outside the school. However, sources could not confirm whether any FIR had been registered but the guardians asked the school authority as well as police to tighten security around the school as a similar incident happened last year also.

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