Bomb attacks on residences of CPI (M) leaders in Bamutia block area, BJP counters with frivolous allegations

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 15, 2024

As days pass on the upcoming panchayat election in Tripura promises to be a violent affair. The CPI (M) candidates for the three-tier panchayat election in Bamutia block were to submit their nominations papers today in the bock and possibly to subvert the process a large gang of BJP miscreants operating in the block last night launched bomb attacks on the residence of CPI (M) leaders. The residences targeted last night for bomb attacks included Khokan Debnath, former chairman of panchayat samity , Partha Das, AIKS local committee secretary in Bamutia, Swapan Datta, CPI (M) local committee secretary of Narsingarh and Haridhan Deb, secretary of CPI (M)’s Gandhigram local committee.

Sources from Bamutia said that a gang of BJP miscreants had come by motor bikes and cars and hurled the bombs on the residences of CPI (M) leaders. There was however no injury to anyone though the residences suffered minor damages and a panic was created all over the Bamutia block. Speaking on the issue the CPI (M)’s Mohanpur local committee secretary Khokan Debnath said that the BJP miscreants had aimed at terrorizing CPI (M) supporters and creating panic by last night’s bomb attacks as the CPI (M) candidates were to submit their nomination papers today. He however asserted that the bomb attacks and planned terror created by BJP would not deter the CPI (M) candidates from filing their nominations.

However, the Bamutia ‘Mandal’ president of BJP Biju Paul alleged to media persons in a vain counter that the CPI (M) is not finding candidates to contest elections and are floating baseless allegations against the BJP. “BJP is not involved in any attack and CPI (M) is trying to create a cloud of suspicion and misgiving; they are only maligning the BJP” said Biju Paul.

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