BJP candidates list for three-tier panchayat polls to be announced soon, 6909 names as candidates already approved

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 14, 2024

The BJP has already finalized its list of candidates for the three-tier Panchayat elections and the list will be notified in a day or two. Sources in the party said that names of 6370 candidates for the gram panchayats, 423 candidates for the panchayat samitis and 116 candidates for the Zilla Parishads have already been finalized the state president Rajeev Bhattacharjee will put his signature soon on the list and send them to district and ‘Mandal’ committees. The final list will be announced in a phased manner today and tomorrow . Sources said that in a number of places names of candidates have been changed by replacing old candidates with new ones.

Sources said that the preparation of names and typing out the list are on in the ‘Kushabhau Thakre Bhawan’ the state headquarter of BJP in Krishna Nagar area of Agartala. What is taking time is the long list of names for 606 gram panchayats, 35 panchayat samitis and 8 zilla parishads and typing them out through alterations and additions and inclusions.

Sources said that the party leadership have taken a decision that nomination papers will be submitted towards the end of the date announced for the purpose to preclude filing of nomination by rebel candidates in case of changes made in the list. As it is, the leadership at the district, block and ‘Mandal’ level have been alerted that no rebellious or anti-party activity and filing of nomination will be entertained and summary action will be taken against rebel candidates and dissidents.

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