Twelve hour Tripura bandh called by the left front peaceful so far, mixed response

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 14, 2024

The twelve hour Tripura ‘bandh’ called by the left front today in protest against the murder of party candidate and Belonia subdivisional committee leader Badal Shil dld not make much of an impact except in the Raj Nagar, Chittakhola and other areas of Belonia subdivision and certain areas where the CPI (M) still has an overt support base. In most of the district, subdivisional towns and blocks life was normal with vehicles moving as on other days . Since it is Sunday there was no question of opening the government and private offices , schools and business establishments and people went about their normal life. There was no picketing by the CPI (M) cadres and workers.

Meanwhille, the police have decided to keep the dead body of slain CPI (M) candidate for panchayat polls and retrenched 10,323 teacher Badal Shil in their custody and deliver it to his home in Chittakhola and then crematorium under heavy escort to ward off any possible trouble. The dead body of Badal Shil, now on its way to Chittakhola, Belonia , is being escorted by policemen and a group of senior CPI (M) leaders amidst palpable tension. Sources from Belonia said that , contrary to reports that Badal Shil had died from impact of brick-batting, he had been hacked by sharp-cutting matchets in the Chittakhola market on the evening of last Friday.

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