Black sheep son abandons old father beside the road and flees, inhumanity of the highest degree

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, June 10, 2024

Filial piety has long been-as it continues to be-considered one of the greatest virtues, according to Hindu scriptures. According to scriptural injunction a father is higher than heaven and should be the person of the deepest devotion to his offsprings while a mother is looked upon as greater even than a father as it is she who bears her offsprings in her womb and nurtures them to adulthood with her affection and care. Nothing or nobody can be greater to men and women than their mother in the three spheres of heaven, earth and the nether world.

But human advance in science and technology reflected in the conquest of the spheres of nature seem to have left humans high and dry without any love, affection and devotion. This is evident from regular reports of ill-treatment to parents by their children, specially their sons. Nothing illustrates the point better than the inhuman and shabby treatment meted out to an old and infirm father by his son in Raghunathpur area of Bishalgarh.

Tarun Chowdhury (81), an old and infirm former resident of Raghunathpur area of Bishalgarh, had been living with his son in Assam after his wife’s death much earlier. His son Vishnu Chowdhury (38), a central government employee in Assam had perhaps been fed up with the nagging illness of his old father and the care that he needed for survival. He arrived with his father in Ragunathpur area at dead of night on Sunday and abandoned him near a ‘Kaali Temple’ saying it was his home and fled the area. The people of Raghnathpur saw the hapless man groping near the temple and helped him with a little bit of food as the man had been shivering therem unable to move a bit.

The residents of Raghunathpur who know Tarun Chowdhury since long past have informed the police and demanded exemplary punishment for his black sheep son Vishnu Chowdhury. What ultimately has happened to old and infirm Tarun Chowdhury is still unknown as latest reports from the area have not confirmed anything . It is however learned the people of the area are planning to have Tarun Chowdhruy shifted to an old home or orphanage, depending on vacancy.

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