Eight hundred houses damaged, one killed in recent storm, government paying compensation

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, April 2, 2024

Seven of the eight districts of the state were affected during the recent storm that killed one person, damaged 800 houses in different places. Brijesh Pandy, secretary of the Revenue Department in a press conference said the Desaster Management Authority immediately took action to restore normalcy in the affected areas and the district administration also kept a close watch on the situation.

He said the government is extending all help to the affected families following the guideline issued by the Election Commission under the Model Code of Conduct. He said compensation has been given to 50 families at a rate of four to five thousand rupees. Other affected families also will get compensation after the final assessment of the damage.

Giving statistics he said 62 houses were damaged while 161 houses seriously and 577 were damaged partially.

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