Wild Bison from reserve forest of Trishna create trouble in human habitations , scare people

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, April 1, 2024

In a biazarre incident a wild bison (‘Gaba’ in local parlance) had left its natural abode in the Trishna wildlife sanctuary near Rajnagar in Belonia subdivision and created havoc in human habitations in Uttar and Dakshin Maheshpur villages under Kathalia block in Sonamura subdivision. Till latest reports came in the bison is aimlessly running about in paddy field , near the barbed ware fencing , arterial roads and rural roads. Alerted by shouting for help from local people the scared bison is yet to reenter the Trishna sanctuary from where it had come out. Sources from Kathalia said that the forest security staff have been running after the bison to recapture it and lead it back to the Trishna wildlife sanctuary.

The staff of Jatrapur police station which has jurisdiction over the areas of depredation of the bison have started warning people through microphone. The officer in charge of the Jatrapur police station Subrata Debnath said that somehow the bison had slipped through the security dragnet of the forest security staff and come out to areas of human habitation. He said that local people had told him that earlier two other bisons had stormed the habitations in 2022 but the local beef eaters killed both the bisons and sold their meat to local consumers . Sources in the forest department said that effort is on to drive the bison back to Trishna wildlife sanctuary before any harm is caused to it.

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