Asish Saha castigates BJP for its divisive policy and works against national interest

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, November 20, 2023

The PCC president Asish Kumar Saha has lashed out at the BJP in state and centre for its divisive policies and activities inimical to national interest. “We in Congress are trying to prevent such activities of BJP and shall continue to do so” said Asish . He was addressing a gathering party supporters and workers in a small gathering in Congress Bhawan on the occasion of the birth anniversary of former prime minister Indira Gandhi, Asish said that the legacy left behind was still relevant in the present-day India. “We must all remember how late Indirajit had successfully protected the unity and integrity of India and how she sacrificed her own life in the process ; but the BJP is destroying the essential cultural unity and integrity of the nation through its divisive policies; this is evident from what has been happening in Manipur where people belonging to various ethnic stocks are fighting among themselves” said Asish. He also referred to the politics of religious communalism practiced by BJP all over the country and said that Congress alone could fight off the challenges put up by the BJP.

As part of the observance of the 106th birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi the national flag as well as the party flag were hoisted yesterday in the Congress Bhawan and then the party leaders went to Gandhighat to lay a wreath on the grave-stone of Indira Gandhi. The twin programmes were attended by the former PCC presidents and sitting Congress MLAs Gopal Roy and Sudip Roybarman. While speaking to media persons Asish laid stress on a united struggle by the Congress to unseat the BJP from power in Tripura. He asserted that all kinds of governance in Tripura had ceased under the BJP rule and recruitment to government services have stopped . “It is practically because of these policies that youths of the state are increasingly resorting to drug addiction, peddling and cannabis cultivation; if this continues Tripura will be totally destroyed and it is our responsibility to launch a struggle against this and we will soon take to the field “ said Asish. He called upon party workers to maintain the highest possible unity for the struggle against BJP and ensure opposition victory in the upcoming elections to the state’s two Loksabha seats.

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