CM Manik Saha meets prime minister Narendra Mod, conveys best wishes on birth anniversary and thanks him for sanctioning schemes for the state

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, September 17, 2023

The chief minister Dr Manik Saha yesterday met the prime minister Narendra Modi on a courtesy call yesterday and conveyed his best wishes to Modi on the occasion of his 73rd Birth anniversary. The chief minister also thanked the prime minister for sanctioning a large number of pro-people schemes of which Tripura has been a great beneficiary . Apart from this, Dr Saha apprised the prime minister of the massive victories of BJP candidates in the just-concluded by-elections to Dhanpur and Boxanagar constituencies and was praised and appreciated by the prime minister for this. The prime minister is stated to have instructed the chief minister to ensure that the fruits of various pro-people schemes reach the people in the lowest rung of society.

The chief minister had left for Delhi on September 13 after attending a party meeting met the industrialists and investors in Jaypur and asked them to come forward with investment proposal in Tripura because of the congenial condition prevailing here . He also informed the prime minister of the warm response he had received from the entrepreneurs and investors in Jaypur which was appreciated by the prime minister. Dr Manik Saha is expected to return to the state today take part in programmes in celebration of the 73rd birth anniversary of the prime minister Narendra Modi.

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