Former SDPO (Sadar) Ajay Chandra Das issued show-cause notice, facing investigation

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, April 20, 2023

The former SDPO (Sadar) Ajay Kumar Das who put in a stellar performance during his tenure by putting a near complete stop to incidents of theft and dacoities in Agartala town as also by severely curtailing money-spinning drug peddling in his area of jurisdiction was ‘closed’ from his charge without any rhyme or reason a few days ago and posted without charge in the state police headquarter. But now he has been issued a show-cause notice with direction to file reply within five days in default of which he will be proceeded against.

According to sources in state police the DIG (southern range) Monchak Ibbar has been assigned the responsibility of investigation into purported allegations against Ajay Kumar Das . The allegations include Ajay’s ill-treatment of Nilabh Adhikary , the project manager of smart city project in west Agartala police station and complaint filed in this regard by smart city project chief Shailesh Yadav. Sources said that because of his hard work Ajay Kumar Das had antagonized too many people including influential businessmen and powerful drug dealers by seizing large hauls of drugs. “It is these people who might have pulled strings from behind and persuaded political leaders to remove Ajay from his post in the interest of their illegal business and since politicians are beneficiaries they easily obliged ; significantly, on the day of his closure from the post Ajay Kumar had seized a huge haul of drugs from the sensitive Master Para area” sources said .

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