Education department preparing to grant regular payscale to 400 filxed-pay teachers
By Our Correspondent
Agartala, January 10, 2025
Waking up to the grim reality of rising resentment over non-appointment of TET qualified teachers and non-sanction of regular payscales even after five years , the education department of the state government has started preparations for granting regular payscale to four hundred fixed-pay teachers. This of course has come as a surprise as in the last week of November last year a circular had been issued by the state government to heads of departments and DDOs to keep regularization of service and granting of payscales to fixed-pay employees and teachers at the end of the five-year period in abeyance. A prescribed form had also been issued to enable the fixed-pay employees and teachers to apply for regularization in service with regular payscales.
But now preparation is in progress to grant regular payscales , presumably with clearance from the finance department , and more than a hundred applications from teachers in prescribed forms have already reached the headquarter of the education department. Sources in the education department said that preparatory work is on and the teachers are likely to be granted regular payscale by the end of the current financial year so that the expenditure this head can be included in the budget for the next financial year-2025-2026. Besides, the question of having the expenditure incurred reimbursed by the next finance commission is also there.
Sources said that there are many fixed-pay teachers who had reached higher stage of teaching like from STGT to STPGT by clearing the TET exam and they have been languishing without regular payscale for two more years beyond the statutory five year period . They will be beneficiaries of the regularization process and will be given arrears for the extended period of service. “If all goes well the entire process will be completed within the current financial year” sources said.