Renowned Engineer of Tripura Chinmoy Debnath Elected President IBC

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, Updated: July 16, 2024, 05:34:05 PM   

Renowned Engineer of Tripura Chinmoy Debnath  Elected President IBC

Chinmoy Debnath, renowned engineer from Tripura has been elected as the All India President of Indian Buildings Congress (IBC), Head Office  in  New Delhi. Shri Debnath assumed office for the year 2024-25 at the 27th Annual Convention of IBC held in New Delhi on 14th July. 
Notebly,  After its establishment, Engr. Chinmoy Debnath was the first engineer who joined IBC from North Eastern and Eastern regions and at last elected as its All India President. Eng Debnath took charge from the newly ex-president Major General Ashok Kumar, ex-DG, Indian Army. Eng. Debnath Become a member of IBC in  the year 1998. Earlier he was the All India Vice President of IBC from 2019- 20 to 2023-24. And was previously a national executive member for 2 years. He was the former Chairman and Founder Honorary Secretary of IBC, Tripura Centre.
Notably, IBC is a professional body associated with the Built Environment and whose institutional member is CPWD,  Railways, M.E.S., HUDCO, N.B.C.C., C.B.R.I. etc. Central Organizations and various State Departments of Works, Urban Development, Rural Development, I.I.T., N.I.T. etc. Engineers of Engineering Institutions.
It is to be noted that Eng. Debnath graduated in Civil Engineering from Tripura Engineering College under Calcutta University in 1983. Eng. Debnath joined Tripura Public Works Department in 1984 and retired as Superintending Engineer in 2021 after 37 years of service. He was the All India President of the Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) Kolkata, Head Office and IEI. He was also ex-chairman and ex-honorary secretary of its Tripura State Centre. He served as All India Chairman of Indian Engineers Federation (INDEF), head office in New Delhi for 4 years from 2018 to 2022. He was the All India Secretary General of this organization in 2005 2009. INDEF is an all India association of graduate engineers working in central and state government and semi-government departments. Eng Debnath served as General Secretary and Vice President of State Engineers Association, Tripura (SEAT). He was an All India Council member in 2 sessions of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and Institute of Public Health Engineers (India) (IPHE).