Apparent suicidal death of school teacher triggers furore in Sabroom

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, Updated: June 24, 2024, 11:50:39 AM   

Apparent suicidal death of school teacher triggers furore in Sabroom

The apparently suicidal death of a young girl teacher of private ‘Dharmadipa’ school in Sabroom subdivision has triggered a furore , raising many questions. Swapna Chakma (34), originally a resident of Kanchanpur subdivisional town of north Tripura and working as teacher in ‘Dharmadipa’ school located under Manubankul police outpost in the subdivision, was found dead sitting with bent legs behind her back and with a rope tied around her neck and fitted on roof-top. 
Police sources said that Swapna was living as a tenant in the house of Naba Tripura near the school. She was found dead and seated in a peculiar position by people in her rented house. Police personnel from Manu Bankul rushed to the spot after being informed of the incident and later upon summon forensic experts from Agartala also rushed to the spot and made a detailed examination of the spot of suicide. After examination the forensic experts returned to Agartala and lifeless body of Swapna Chakma was handed over to her relatives who had reached there from Kanchanpur after post mortem. The death of Swapna Chakma and the position of her dead body continues to mystify the people of Sabroom.
