Ornamental Reflections!!!

Biswanath Bhattacharya

October 1, 2024, 07:42:52   

Ornamental Reflections!!!

The Shiuli flowers also remind me of my Sonamura Days. We used to walk on the path laid with Shiuli flowers! Their delicate petals, a gentle white tinged with the softest hint of orange, created a carpet more enchanting than any crafted by human hands. Each morning, the air was filled with their ethereal fragrance, a scent so pure it seemed to cleanse the soul.
In Sonamura, the Shiuli flowers were more than mere decorations; they were the heartbeats of our mornings. As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, these flowers would gracefully fall, carpeting the earth in a celestial display. My friends and I would gather them, our hands brushing through the dewy grass, collecting memories with each delicate bloom.
The paths we walked were transformed by these blossoms, each step a reminder of nature's fleeting beauty and our own ephemeral moments. Even now, in the hustle and bustle of my current life, the mere thought of Shiuli flowers transports me back to those tranquil mornings in Sonamura, where time seemed to pause, and the world was bathed in the serene glow of dawn.
In those moments, surrounded by the gentle whispers of nature, we found a sense of peace and belonging that remains unmatched. The Shiuli flowers, with their transient beauty, taught us the value of cherishing the present and finding joy in the simplest of things. They were our silent teachers, our ornamental guides through the journey of youth.
As I reminisce about those days, I realize that the Shiuli flowers were not just a part of our mornings; they were an integral part of our lives, weaving their delicate presence into the fabric of our memories. They stand as a symbol of innocence, beauty, and the ever-present passage of time, a reminder that even the most fleeting moments can leave an indelible mark on our hearts.