Communal Violence in Gandatwisa ( Gandachra): A Call for Peace and Harmony!

Biswanath Bhattacharya

July 14, 2024, 13:43:52   

Communal Violence in Gandatwisa ( Gandachra): A Call for Peace and Harmony!

Gandatwisa ( Gandachra), a subdivision in the Dhalai district of Tripura, witnessed a communal frenzy in mid-July 2024 when a group of miscreants attacked the houses and shops of one community on some flimsy ground and murdered someone. The violence left several people injured and many properties damaged. The situation was brought under control by the swift intervention of the state government and the security forces, who imposed a curfew and arrested the culprits. The incident has shaken the social fabric of Tripura, a state with a history of tribal and non-tribal clashes. However, it has also seen remarkable efforts of reconciliation and coexistence in recent years.

 Tripura is a northeastern state of India, bordered by Bangladesh on three sides, and shares a domestic boundary with Assam and Mizoram. The state has a population of about 40 lakh, comprising 19 major tribes and various non-tribal communities, mainly Bengalis, who migrated from East Bengal during the Partition and the Bangladesh Liberation War. The tribal communities, the state's original inhabitants, constitute about 30% of the population, while the non-tribal communities form the majority. The state has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and indigenous faiths.

 However, the state has also witnessed several episodes of communal violence, especially between the tribal and non-tribal groups, over issues such as land rights, political representation, identity, and development. The most notorious incident was the Mandai massacre of 1980 when tribal insurgents killed more than 300 Bengalis in a single day. The insurgency, which started in the late 1970s, lasted for more than two decades, claiming thousands of lives and displacing many more. The insurgency was finally ended by a peace accord signed in 1997 between the central government and the Tripura National Volunteers (TNV), the leading rebel group. Since then, the state has witnessed relative peace and stability, with several developmental initiatives and cultural exchanges between the tribal and non-tribal communities. The state has also achieved remarkable progress in education, health, and governance, earning accolades from various quarters.

 The communal violence in Gandatwisa ( Gandachra), which occurred after a gap of many years, has raised several questions and concerns about the fragile peace and harmony in the state. The incident has exposed the simmering tensions and mistrust between the tribal and non-tribal communities, which vested interests can exploit for their political or personal gains. The incident has also highlighted the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to address the root causes of the conflict, such as land disputes, economic disparities, and cultural differences. The incident has also underscored the importance of promoting dialogue, tolerance, and mutual respect among the state's diverse communities and preventing the spread of rumors, hatred, and violence.

 To prevent the recurrence of such incidents and to restore the confidence and goodwill among the people of Tripura, the following steps are suggested: * The state government should take stern action against the perpetrators of the violence and ensure justice and compensation for the victims. The government should also provide adequate security and relief to the affected areas and prevent further escalations.

* The government should also initiate a dialogue with the representatives of the tribal and non-tribal communities and address their grievances and demands in a fair and transparent manner. The government should also involve civil society, the media, and religious leaders in the peace process and seek their cooperation and support.

 * The government should also implement the recommendations of the High-Level Committee on Socio-Economic, Cultural and Linguistic Development of the Tribal Areas of Tripura, constituted in 2019 and submitted its report in 2020. The committee, headed by former chief secretary S.K. Panda, had suggested various measures to improve the socio-economic and cultural status of the tribal communities, such as land reforms, reservation in jobs and education, protection of tribal languages and culture, and empowerment of the autonomous district council.

 * The government should also launch a massive awareness campaign to educate the people about the history, culture, and contributions of the state's tribal and non-tribal communities and foster a sense of belonging and pride among them. The government should also encourage and facilitate cultural exchanges and interactions among communities and celebrate their diversity and harmony.

 * The people of Tripura should also reject any attempts to divide them on communal lines and to incite violence and hatred among them. The people should also refrain from spreading or believing in rumors and misinformation and report any suspicious or provocative activities to the authorities. The people should also uphold the values of democracy, secularism, and pluralism and respect each other's rights and dignity.

 The communal violence in Gandatwisa ( Gandachra) is a tragic and unfortunate incident that has marred the image and reputation of Tripura as a peaceful and progressive state. The incident is a wake-up call for the government and the people of Tripura to take urgent and practical steps to prevent further deterioration of the situation and restore trust and harmony among the different communities of the state. The incident is also an opportunity for the government and the people of Tripura to reaffirm their commitment to unity in diversity and to the vision of a prosperous and inclusive Tripura.

Prof (Dr) Manik Saha, our Chief Minister, has exhibited authentic leadership and sent stern messages to all Troublemakers. Messages to all troublemakers. He is a leader with a vision and a message. He has shown his resolve and courage in dealing with troublemongers who tried to create chaos and violence in the state and threaten the peace and harmony of the people. He has also appealed to the people to reject the divisive and destructive forces and embrace the values of unity, diversity, and democracy. He has said that Tripura is a state.Let us resolve that we shall not allow our Tripura to go ablaze once again and steadfastly stand with the Government.

Rejoinder: I am writing from the remote town of Naliya in Gujarat. And I am not privy to all relevant information and news on this grim incident.  It is possible that there may be some factual errors, and I may be condoned if there is any gross mistake. But my earnestness and willingness for the welfare of the state of Tripura Spring from my soul. And it is never compromised!

