A Tale of Four Cameras How I acquired and parted with Kodak, Canon, Sony and Nikon cameras

Biswanath Bhattacharya

May 15, 2024, 09:44:21   

A Tale of Four Cameras How I acquired and parted with Kodak, Canon, Sony and Nikon cameras

Hello, everyone! I want to thank all of you who have followed my profile and shown interest in my content. I appreciate your feedback, comments, and likes. You are the reason why I keep creating and sharing my passion with you.

Some of you may have noticed that I changed my background cover. In the background is my wife, who is also my best friend, partner, and supporter. She has been with me through thick and thin, and I am so grateful for her presence in my life.

I wanted to introduce her to you because she is a big part of who I am and what I do. She inspires, encourages, and challenges me to grow and improve. She is also an amazing person in her own right, with her talents, hobbies, and dreams.

She loves reading, writing, cooking, travelling, and learning new things. She is always curious and adventurous and has a great sense of humour. She is kind, compassionate, and generous. She is also very beautiful, inside and out.

 In this context, allow me to share my personal story of how I came to own four different cameras over the years and how I eventually gave them away to a friend who is an expert photographer. I will describe the features and qualities of each camera, as well as the memories and emotions they evoke in me. I hope you will enjoy reading my article as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The first camera I ever owned was a Kodak camera that I bought in the 1990s. It was a gift from a friend of mine, Ashok Goenka, who used to work for Rashi Peripherals, a company that dealt with Kodak products. He advised me to buy this camera, which cost around Rs 30000 at that time. It was a very good camera, with an instant photo feature that allowed me to see the pictures right away. The quality of the photos was also excellent, with vivid colours and sharp details.

One of the photos that I took with this camera was of my wife wearing a Mysore silk saree that cost Rs 10000 in 1996. She looked beautiful and elegant in that saree, and the camera captured her charm perfectly. I still have that photo in my album, which reminds me of our happy times together.

The second camera I owned was a Canon EOS, which I bought in the 2000s. It was a gift from another son like, Rubin Deol, who brought it to me from the USA. It was a digital SLR camera with a powerful zoom lens and a high-resolution sensor. It was a very advanced camera with many features and options I could explore. It was also very easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and a comfortable grip.

One of the photos that I took with this camera was of a sunset over the sea. It was a breathtaking sight, with the sky and the water glowing in different shades of orange and red. The camera captured the scene's beauty and drama with a clear contrast and a balanced exposure. I still have that photo on my computer, and it inspires me to appreciate the wonders of nature.

The third camera I owned was a Nikon D90, which I bought in the 2010s. It was a gift for myself, as I wanted to upgrade my photography skills and equipment. It was a digital SLR camera with a fast autofocus system and a large LCD screen. It was a very versatile camera with many modes and settings that I could adjust and customise according to my preferences and needs. It was also very durable and reliable, with a long battery life and a sturdy body.

One of the photos that I took with this camera was of a group of children playing in a park. It was a joyful scene, with the kids laughing and running around. The camera captured the moment's energy and emotion with a sharp focus and a vibrant colour. I still have that photo on my phone, which makes me smile whenever I see it.

The last Camera I purchased was a Sony camera from Dr Kishalay Choudhury (who is no more), a reputable doctor par excellence and my next-door neighbour). The camera cost Rs 35000.00, a reasonable price for its features and performance. He also gave me a free camera bag and a memory card as a bonus. I was very happy with the purchase and the service.

The Sony camera had many features, making it a great choice. Some of the features were:
A 20-megapixel sensor that captured high-resolution images and videos.
A 3-inch LCD screen that displayed the images and videos clearly and vividly.
A 10x optical zoom that allowed me to capture distant objects and scenes.
A built-in flash that illuminated the subjects in low-light conditions.
A rechargeable battery that lasted for several hours of continuous use.
A USB port that enabled me to transfer the images and videos to my computer or other devices.
A memory card slot that supports up to 32 GB of storage capacity.
A compact and lightweight design that made it easy to carry and use.

These four cameras were more than just devices for me. They were companions and witnesses of my life, family, and travels. They helped preserve and cherish the memories and moments that mattered to me. They also helped me express and share my vision and creativity.

However, as time passed, I used these cameras less and less. They became obsolete and rusty, and I felt they deserved a better fate than being forgotten and neglected. That is why I decided to give them away to a friend, Rameswar Das, an IFS officer and a brilliant photographer. He appreciated and valued these cameras and promised to use them well and often. I was happy to know that these cameras found a new home and a new purpose with him.

 I had purchased Yoshiki and Canon T 20 in the 1970s-1980s, but nothing like that Kodak Camera and that Mysore Silk Saree.

I have always been fond of photography and capturing memories with my camera. I owned a Kodak camera when I was younger and loved its simplicity and quality. However, I switched to other brands and models that offered more features and functions as technology advanced. Recently, I stumbled upon the Kodak Camera on Amazon, and I was intrigued by its retro design and nostalgia. I have squandered away my hard-earned money on so many things; let me squander again.