Death toll of hapless 10,323 retrenched teachers climbs to 178, one more unfortunate falls to disease

By Our Correspondent

Agartala, July 10, 2024

Any news about the trail of death of illegally retrenched and hapless 10,323 group of teachers has practically disappeared from printed pages and certainly from prime time channels already. On rare occasions such news appears as only invisible foot-notes in the thick printed coverage of day-to-day events. However, the latest such footnote is based on the death of a middle-aged retrenched teacher Madhav Debnath (52) who breathed his last in GBP hospital yesterday.

Hapless Madhav Debnath , a resident of Keprampara under Jirania subdivision, had been a primary school teacher for a brief period before he was retrenched with effect from April 1 2020. Forced out of job with no relief in sight, Madhav had struggled hard to survive with his wife and two children by doing odd jobs . But nemesis finally caught up with him in the form of kidney and heart disease that required expensive treatment which Madhav could not afford. He had to be admitted to GBP hospital a few days ago but by this time Madhav had gone beyond any medical treatment and finally he breathed his last yesterday around 4-00 PM.

Madhav’s colleagues and neighbours expressed shock over his death and the plight of his family while helping in his cremation in the evening. At a time when gallons of hypocritical tears are shed by the self--styled saviours of the constitution, Madhav’s premature death should give the saviours as well as ostensible destroyers of the constitution a reminder of the emphatic reference to “…justice, social , economic and political...” in the preamble.

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